Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Is It Light Field Camera For Next iPhone ?

We have seen iPhone cameras are always awesome, the latest iPhone 4S has a 8-megapixel, HDR-photo taking and a 1080P video recording. So, what you can expect from next iPhone?

Now it's buzz that the next iPhone should have field cameras, and iPhone may get Lytro for this purpose. According to the upcoming book of  Mr. Adam Lashinsky's “Inside Apple” ,Steve Jobs had a meeting with Ren Ng, the Stanford graduate and the CEO of a photography company Lytro, they apparently had chats about photography and product design.
Lytro Camera

Lytro Light Field Cameras can grab all the lights around all direction i.e. if there is many individuals then it can focus on any single one and blur others, or it is a simple camera that lets people capture “the perfect shot” instead of having to deal with the hassles of setting up the right focus, shutter speed etc on the spot. Images captured with the camera can then be manipulated on a computer after the shooting is done.

So, if Lytro and iPhone joins this party then it is going to be revolutionary in mobile photography.

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